Enabling Payouts for India and Pakistan: A Strategic Move for Medium

Deepak Chaudhari
4 min readJun 16, 2024


Medium has become a vibrant hub for writers worldwide. It empowers individuals to share their ideas and build a following. However, there’s a significant gap — the lack of a payout system for writers in countries like India and Pakistan. This not only hinders the platform’s growth but also misses out on a vast pool of talented voices, including YOU.

Figure 1.0.0.

A Message to Writers in India and Pakistan:

You may have encountered the frustrating message: “You are currently ineligible for Medium’s Partner Program” due to your location. This article aims to change that.

So, without further ado, let’s explore the countries where you can join the Medium Partner Program and start monetizing your content:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Gibraltar, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

A Booming Market, Untapped Potential:

  • India: The world’s second-most populous country, with over 600 million internet users [stats on internet users in india]. A growing middle class with rising disposable income signifies a hungry audience for quality content.
  • Pakistan: A young population with a burgeoning tech scene. Over 100 million internet users, with a strong preference for online content consumption [stats on internet users in pakistan].

Imagine a graph depicting the growth of internet users in India and Pakistan. This would visually demonstrate the sheer number of potential readers and writers on the platform.

Benefits Beyond Borders:

  • Diversifying Content: Enabling payouts in India and Pakistan will unlock a treasure trove of fresh perspectives and stories. Imagine articles on Indian cuisine by a passionate home cook or Pakistani tech trends by a young entrepreneur, including yours!
  • A Global Audience: Indian and Pakistani writers can cater to a global audience, further enriching Medium’s content pool.
  • Building a Loyal Community: Rewarding writers financially fosters a sense of value and encourages them to produce high-quality content consistently, including yourself.
  • Building a Loyal Community: Rewarding writers financially fosters a sense of value and encourages them to produce high-quality content consistently, including yourself.

Why Medium Needs You:

Your unique voice and perspective are valuable assets to Medium. Enabling payouts would incentivize you and countless other talented writers to share your knowledge and stories, enriching the platform for everyone.

The Digital Boom in India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan are witnessing an unprecedented rise in internet penetration and digital content consumption. According to Statista, India had over 749 million internet users in 2020, projected to reach 1.5 billion by 2040. Pakistan, on the other hand, had 61 million internet users in 2021, expected to grow to 125 million by 2025. This digital surge is primarily driven by affordable smartphones and data plans, creating a fertile ground for digital platforms.

The Economic Impact of Enabling Payouts

Increased User Engagement

By enabling payouts, Medium can attract a plethora of high-quality writers from India and Pakistan. Writers are more likely to contribute regularly if they see a tangible financial benefit. This can lead to increased user engagement as more readers flock to the platform for diverse and quality content. 26% of Medium readers are Americans followed by India (7%). Around 4% are from the UK and 3% from Canada. Readers from other countries constitute the remaining 56.52%.

Statistical Evidence

  1. Internet Penetration and Growth:
  • India: From 749 million users in 2020 to 1.5 billion by 2040 (Statista).
  • Pakistan: From 61 million users in 2021 to 125 million by 2025 (Statista).

2. Digital Advertising Market:

  • India: $10.5 billion by 2023 (PwC).
  • Pakistan: Significant growth expected, with increasing investments in digital infrastructure.

Payment Mechanisms:

Medium can collaborate with payment gateways that have a strong presence in these regions, such as PayPal, Payoneer, or local options like Razorpay in India and JazzCash in Pakistan. These gateways can facilitate smooth and efficient transactions, ensuring creators receive their earnings promptly.


In conclusion, enabling payouts for creators in India and Pakistan is not just a beneficial move for content creators but a strategic decision for Medium’s growth. The burgeoning internet user base, combined with the growing digital advertising market, presents a golden opportunity for Medium. By tapping into this potential, Medium can enhance user engagement, diversify its content pool, and establish a strong market presence in two of the world’s most dynamic digital markets. It’s time for Medium to embrace this opportunity and set a new precedent in the digital content space.

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